ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 4 Issue 8
August 1, 2018
The summer months have allowed for casual conversations, formal planning for the upcoming year, and the anticipation of much work to do with the Lifecycles Capacity Building process. As we head into August, Dorothea and I will be planning for the August Board Retreat that will once again be held at St. Peter's Abbey in Muenster, Saskatchewan. At this retreat, the Board will spend time planning and setting a course for the work of the committees for the coming year, which we anticipate to be engaging and meaningful. Thank
Photo credit: Anita Retzlaff
you to all who have indicated interest in committee membership for the coming year and to all who are considering it. Please let Dorothea know if you would like to serve on a committee.
As I have toured a wide swath of the Province this summer, I have looked for the public libraries in each place. I had the opportunity to visit the Elbow Library and was told that it is actually an old church. The collection is marvelous and the repurposed space is so bright and inviting. And then there is the basement full of books for sale!!! What a neat place!
This province has so much to offer. Happy summer to all of you, wherever you are in this vast and diverse province of ours.
Alison Jantz
SLA President
There were two board meetings in June. The first meeting served as a review of highlights from the previous year and an orientation to new board members. The changeover meeting was followed by the first meeting of the 2018-19 Board and a presentation by Dawn Martin, consultant on the SLA Life Cycles Assessment.
Highlights of Board decisions:
Approval of One Book One Province as a standing committee and ongoing program rather than ad hoc/year to year.
Cross over membership and systematic information sharing between the Program and Advocacy Committee to underscore the connection between the mandates and shared opportunities.
Proposal to be developed to rename and reframe the mandate of the Membership and Publications Committees to Engagement and Communications Committees. Proposal will be presented at AGM 2019.
Board Calendar for 2018- 19 schedules meetings in August, October, November, January, March, and May with three in person and the balance by teleconference.
Board Retreat scheduled for August 26 - 27 will provide an opportunity to review the SLA Strategic Plan 2015-18, link Life Cycles Capacity building work with SLA Strategic Plan and ensure alignment of Committee objectives.
Board approved attendance at the Partnership Retreat in mid-August. This annual gathering provides an opportunity for association representatives from across Canada to meet, share information and discuss common priorities.
SLA Needs You!
Committees are key to accomplishing objectives of SLA, and allow members to engage in important matters.
If you are interested in serving on a committee or would like more information please phone Dorothea Warren at 306-780- 9413 or email:
[email protected]
by August 15, 2018. Thank you in advance for considering volunteering; most committees will begin their work in early fall. Descriptions may be found
. Committees/Chairs are
1. Fundraising - Brad Doerksen
2. Programming - Lindsay Baker
3. One Book One Province - Colleen Murphy
4. Continuing Education - Alan Kilpatrick
5. Advocacy and Development - Tony Murphy
6. Publications - Linda Winkler
7. Membership - Linda Winkler
The Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) is pleased to accept applications for the Maureen Woods Education Bursary. This bursary was made possible with the generous donation from the Saskatchewan Provincial Library and Literacy Office, Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and through the efforts of the Multitype Library Board and SLA. The bursary was established to promote the continued growth of professional librarianship in the province of Saskatchewan. The bursary is administered by the Saskatchewan Library Association. SLA is offering a single bursary in the amount of $5,000.Deadline for applications is October 30, 2018.
For more information, please visit the
SLA website.
Continuing Education Grants:
Applications for Continuing Education Grants Due August 15, 2018
Have a great idea for a workshop for library staff? Interested in attending a conference, workshop, or professional development opportunity? SLA offers Continuing Education (CE) grants to provide and support relevant educational opportunities for its members. Applications for CE category one and two grants are now being accepted:
Grant to an individual for attendance to any continuing education opportunity (conference, workshop, etc.).
Grant to an individual or institution for organization and promotion of a continuing education opportunity (conference, workshop, etc.).
All applications are due by August 15th, 2018. Details are available on the website. Please send all applications to the SLA Executive Director:
[email protected]
Grants will not be awarded if suitable candidates do not apply. Preference will be given to those who have not had a grant before.
Interested in hosting the Saskatchewan Libraries 2020 Conference?
Is your community or institution eager to host an upcoming conference? This is your opportunity to host the 2020 Saskatchewan Library Association's annual conference! Interested locations should submit a proposal as soon as possible. Please include a chair or co-chairs for the 2020 Conference Planning Committee (CPC). SLA offers a mentoring opportunity for the chair(s) to attend all upcoming 2019 Conference Planning Executive Team teleconferences. This group consists of SLA's executive director, president, 2019 CPC chair, and 2019 CPC program chair. Details about the conference request for proposals are
and also available in SLA's
CPC Handbook.
Summer Socials
are being organized for Regina and Saskatoon for August 22, 2018. The Saskatoon Social is at Amigos 806 Dufferin Ave and the Regina social begins at 5 p.m. at the Fireside Bistro, 2305 Smith St.. Please note that locations in addition to Regina and Saskatoon may choose to organize socials and we are pleased to publicize your information. Socials are a great opportunity to network, share information and socialize!
For more information, please contact Dorothea Warren, Executive Director, at (306) 780-9413 or
[email protected]
for the Multitype Library Board's Community Meeting on October 30, 2018 in Saskatoon. We're sending this advanced notice in the hopes you can plan to join us. More details to follow.
Conference 2019
Planning for Conference 2019
: Recruiting Committee members
The conference executive committee will begin meeting at the end of August and continue meeting monthly until the end of April 2019. Committee Chairs and members will meet less frequently and the work is entirely dependent on the roles that you volunteer for. For example, the program committee meets frequently between October and January, but after that, the majority of their work is done. Any of these positions can have one or two chairs.
The roles that need to be filled include:
Executive Committee:
Program Chair -
Communications Chair -
2020 Conference Committee Chair
I am hoping to have the majority of the committees in place by August 10, and our first meetings scheduled by the end of August.
Please respond to me if you are interested (or not) in an executive position or being a committee member by August 6th. If you are interested in volunteering at the conference but not as part of a committee, can you please let me know that as well.
Thank you kindly for your interest in the conference committees!
Tasha Maddison P: 306-659-4125 E:
[email protected]
Sean Stares
Library Administrator
Professional career and activities:
I graduated from Langara College with a Library & Information Technology Diploma in May 2014. I was the Circulation Supervisor/Programmer from June 15, 2018 to June 18, 2018. I became the Library Administrator at the Alex Robertson Public Library in La Ronge, SK on June 18, 2018. I was the Circulation Supervisor/Programmer from June 15, 2018 to June 18, 2018.
In my spare time:
I am a member of the Northern Welcome Toastmasters. I have held the following positions; Sergeant of Arms, Vice President of Membership, Treasurer, and President.
I am co-Chair of the La Ronge Children's Festival.
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Saskatchewan Library Week 2018 is October 14-20, 2018
Our theme is
Libraries Transform
, and we are thrilled that the American Library Association has agreed to allow us to use their marketing materials in our campaign. More information and links will be sent soon via a newsflash. Please click
to get started.
SLW grant applications are now open for submissions.
The deadline for applications is August 15, 2018.
The application is
For the second time, SLTA is partnering with SLA during SLW. They will be holding a teen writing contest during SLW. For details on the contest, please
click here.
The National 2018 Culture Days Programming Theme is
Culture Days
is coming soon: September 28. 29 and 30, 2018
If you're organizing a Culture Days event this year, you'll want to tune in to their upcoming
Media Training & Marketing Info Session
on August 14th, 2-3pm EST.
Mercedes Findlay
, will offer her expertise on pitching to the media, how to tackle interviews and effective strategies for promoting your Culture Days event.
The Indigenous Cultural Programming
webinar is now
! Please register your Culture Days events before July 31!
The Culture Days Marketing kit is
Melfort Public Library Kicks Off TD Summer Reading Club Program
This year, the TD Summer Reading Club program at Melfort Public Library is all about exploration, challenging kids to learn ab
out sports, nature, science, and the arts.
The theme was revealed on June 19, 2018 at the Kick Off Party where kids aged up to 14 registered for the club, then had a blast participating in indoor and outdoor activities.
Localizing the theme, the library challenged participating kids to explore the City of Melfort.
"There is a brochure that has 10 challenges to explore Melfort," Branch Librarian Penny Markland told the kids. "If you finish all the challenges and bring it back you get a special prize." She explained that there had to be photographic evidence of a challenge completed. This meant a picture taken at the location and posted to a Facebook page or brought to the library as proof.
Within the library, a changing exploration table will be available for investigation. Weekly movies, a fishpond full of prizes, and a variety of activities are planned. This includes learning robotics through the use of a kit made available to the library through Wapiti Regional Library's mobile Maker-space Kit program. The event will be facilitated by Wapiti's Summer Programming Assistant from Regional Office, a position made available through grant funds.
As part of the annual TD Summer Reading program, kids are encouraged to read as much as possible throughout the season. For every eight books read, a participant's name is entered for a special draw made at the end of summer. Prizes will be items generously donated by Wapiti's vendors.
SPL announces
Elizabeth Philips
as 2018/19 Writer in Residence.
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The third annual
Sask Books Publishing Week
, presented by SK Books, will be held from September 24th-28th. The concept for Publishing Week began with an idea: host author readings on historical Canadian locomotives to celebrate Canada 150. We decided upon libraries and schools. We want to meet librarians, teachers, students, and the wide range of readers across the province by arranging for authors to read at your library. This year we are travelling to North Battleford, Meadow Lake, Biggar, Rosetown and Swift Current libraries. If you're interested in participating next year please call 306-780-9811.
The latest issue of E-Phemera is available
The Heritage Saskatchewan newsletter is
CFLA-FCAB celebrated National Indigenous Peoples' Day by actively implementing the Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee Report.
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Saskatchewan Library Association
15-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-9447
[email protected]
[email protected]
SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the 25th of each month.
Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets
The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community. Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.
The Saskatchewan Library Association gratefully acknowledges the support of our funding agencies.