Romel Villaroel presents Ecuador.
Public libraries play a pivotal role when it comes to providing services to new Canadians. Accessing print materials, computers, and other free resources is critical to newcomers as they orient themselves to a new environment.
Recently, the Spiritwood Public Library took services one step further. It provided a venue and audience for four new Canadians who, training in Conversational English, needed an opportunity to speak publicly and showcase new skills including video and PowerPoint presentations.
Sanale Adebor and Suzette Anuma speak about the Philippines.
Three dozen community members turned out to hear Romel Villaroel present an interesting account of his native country, Ecuador. He included the Galapgos Islands and the role of understanding genetic selection.
Sanale Andebor and Suzette Anuma spoke on the importance of Philippine rice development and production programs. They explained the development
of Golden Rice, currently being field tested in several countries.
Wrapping up the event was Rafael Ortega Benavides who introduced listeners to the tropical beauty of Venezuela, then spoke about the current political situation there.
Rafael Benavides introduces Venezuela.
The program provided new Canadians the chance to speak about homelands in their new tongue while providing listeners with insight into differing cultures. This event was the first in what is a planned series of presentations. Speakers are enrolled in North West Regional College and, as part of their training, are required to speak in public. Wapiti's Spiritwood Library was happy to provide the perfect setting.