Regina Public Library welcomes ground-breaking scholar
For Immediate Release: October 30, 2018
Regina Public Library welcomes ground-breaking scholar
Dr. Chris Kutarna saw Donald Trump’s presidency coming. He predicted the results of the Brexit vote. He perceived the ebbing tide of globalization.
Now, he’s bringing his unique viewpoint to Regina.
Regina Public Library (RPL) is pleased to welcome Dr. Kutarna, the Regina-born Oxford scholar and co-author of Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of our second Renaissance . Dr. Kutarna will share his insights on how community leaders and professionals can use lessons from the past to rise to the challenges of our modern world.
“Our current economic reality is characterized by disruption, instability and volatility,” said Dr. Kutarna. “People are feeling vulnerable because outcomes have become unpredictable; our landscape is changing too quickly.”
“The good news is, if we take a step back and look at our history, we can see that we’ve been here before. If we apply that perspective to the changes we’re experiencing, there are clues and cues to help us navigate that uncharted territory.”
Chris Kutarna: Age of Discovery
Talk: Thursday, November 8 at 5:30pm, Central Library mezzanine (2nd Floor)
Reception: 7:00pm, Circa 27 Lounge, Hotel Saskatchewan
Tickets: $15; $30 for talk and reception
Ticket information: Telephone or Skype interviews with Dr. Kutarna are available October 30 to November 1, from 8:00 am to 1:00pm.
Media contact:
Brandi Book
Marketing and Communications Consultant
Regina Public Library
[email protected]
306.777.6182 (office)