Carry Forward opens at Regina Public Library’s Dunlop Art Gallery
For Immediate Release: November 5, 2018
Carry Forward opens at Regina Public Library’s Dunlop Art Gallery
Carry Forward , a new exhibition at Dunlop Art Gallery, shines a light on how much is biased, hidden, and forgotten in a variety of documents and items from the past. The aim is to highlight how artifacts themselves tell only part of a story, often presented through the authoritative perspectives of dominant ideologies.
The exhibition was curated by Lisa Myers and circulated by the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. It will open at Dunlop Art Gallery on November 9 with a reception at 6:00 pm, featuring a talk by the curator.
Carry Forward presents the work of 11 artists who examine historical texts, photographs, documents, and images to question the authority – and authenticity – of documentation in shaping our ideas and understanding of history.
“We are excited to feature this powerful exhibition brought to us by the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery,” says Wendy Peart, Curator of Education and Community Outreach at Dunlop Art Gallery. “It presents a new way of thinking about how what was once considered objective historical documentation is in fact heavily subjective. It allows us to question what we read, hear and see.”
The subjects and media of the exhibition span from government reports to bronze sculptures. Each item lifts the veil on a chapter in our history. From heavily redacted FBI surveillance reports on the American Indian Movement, to the 234 pages of signatures of the “ 1911 Anti Creek-Negro Petition” from Immigration of Negroes from the United States to Western Canada 1910-1911 , which illustrates Canada’s racist past through the inexorable succession of name after name.
This project is generously supported by the Ontario Arts Council's Aboriginal Curatorial Projects grant, The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation - The Musagetes Fund, and the Allan MacKay Curatorial Endowment Fund, established by the Musagetes Arts and Culture Fund, held at The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation.
Media contact:
Margherita Vittorelli
Marketing and Communications Consultant
Regina Public Library
[email protected]
306.777.6114 (office)